
Showing posts from June, 2021

Monsoon and Incidence of Dengue

The word monsoon came from Arabic word "mausam" which means season. This language is widely used in Nepal also. This term was first used in Britan, India and neighboring countries as a English language. The monsoon in Nepal originate from the bay of Bengal and moves to the southern slopes of the great Himalayan. Normally, the monsoon period start at mid June to late September. This heavy rainfall season is most suitable time to spread of the aedes  mosquito which transmits the dengue virus.  Dengue is a mosquito borne viral infection whose incidence has  grown significantly in the recent decades. Globally, about half of the world population is now at risk. An estimated 50 million population annually infections occur whereas 5 lakh people have hospitalized annually. Among them 90% of the infection occurs among under five age children. Dengue has been endemic in more than hundred countries whereas south Asia and western pacific countries are seriously affected. The first ca...

Positive and Negative Impact of Urbanization in Health

  Urbanization is a migration of people from rural to the urban area with the purpose of job, education and opportunities as well as to upgrade the socioeconomic status. It is a symbol of development because people get more job and earns money which leads to growth and development of Nation. It was started in 19th century from the Great Britain and some European countries during the period of industrial revolution. UN 2007 data suggests that the half of the world population has been living in urban  areas ;however, this  proportion is growing simultaneously. Now a days, urbanization has greatly impact in low and middle income countries, particularly in Asia and Africa. Likewise, Nepal has also affected by rapid growth of urbanization. Urbanization has both positive and negative aspects. Regarding the positive aspects, People gets a lot of job and opportunities which helps to fulfill their own basic needs. Likewise, health facilities are more available in urban area than r...