Is Use of Mobile Phone Risk for Our Health ?

 Mobile phone (cell phone) is modern telecommunication which is invented by Martin Copper. In recent years, mobile phone users have been growing simultaneously. Billions of people have been using cellphone worldwide. Furthermore, mobile phone market is growing rapidly day by day. It is modern information and communication technology. It is not only use for phone calls and messaging. Additionally, it is also useful for receiving information through use of social media, fruitful for communication with family and friends, playing video games, download different application through play store and used it with the help of mobile. Furthermore, people can enjoy in internet facility at any place with the assist of mobile phone. It is most important in daily human life. Besides benefit, People have curious to know it is risk for our health or not.

Mobile phone( cell phone) emit radio frequency energy or microwave radiation. This radiation is harmful for human health. Human body or tissue easily absorbs this non- ionizing radiation. if long exposure of this radiation within human body it can leads to adverse public health implication. Many scientist and medical facts  have revealed that excessive use of mobile phone enhance the adverse effect on human health. These health effect includes change brain activity, risk of hearing loss due to make louder sound while listing music, eye problems, sleeping problems. Likewise, Studies revealed that increase the stress, depression, anxiety and low self esteem and problem of memory loss. Another important growing problem is Nomo phobia (cell phone addiction) as well as lead to risk of  cancer (e.g. Glioma and Acoustic Neuroma) after the long exposure of mobile phone. While driving during road the use of cell phone is much dangerous, increase the risk of an accident. The use of mobile phone is benefit as well as risk. We must alert to minimize the risk while using the mobile phone.

we can follow the some measures while using the mobile phone for reducing the risk on health. These important measures are reduce brightness of mobile, turn off vibration mode, never place the phone under the pillow while sleeping, it can turn off before you sleep, limit the use, don't take near the eyes, make plan for mobile free days. Similarly, now a days children are also majorly exposed to use of mobile phone which is more harmful for children brain development. It is need to limit the use for children.

Therefore, Mobile phone gives a lots of advantages besides it gives some disadvantages. While excessive use of the mobile phone it leads to risk for our human health. 


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